Sunday, August 26, 2012

Oh.. Hello Blog

I forget about this thing.. I should use it more often. Less drama on FB I suppose? Although, I'm never really on FB anymore..

Life update: My best friend has been letting us mooch off of him for far too long (poor guy).

I've been trying to move out for 2 months & I've been flaked on twice. Ugh.

We've visited with a new potential roommate & their daughter twice, just waiting on their decision..

Work is painfully slow. I'm super broke. My babysitter is a flake too. Bah!

Sometimes, I wish sperm donor would stop being so hard headed & at least attempt to work our shit out..

No one's perfect. I just feel like we owe it to our daughter to try..

However, he would rather we live with strangers. Guess I should just jump off of the boat? Oh well..

I'm really regretting giving up cigarettes :p