Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Sick of the Drama

On a side note before I start my bitch fest: Dear Blogger, Your mobile posting sucks & the fact that w/ a completely capable internet phone I cannot write blogs via my browser... WTF? Ah!


I work for a giant corporation that shall remain nameless since they probably have some snot nosed kid scouring the internet for anything that could be portrayed as putting the company in a "negative light" (Seriously, fuck off lol).

I work in a very small space w/ four other people. Three of which are women...

To say the least, there's a lot of drama.

Three of the five of us try to avoid the drama, but employees 4 & 5 insist on dragging us all back into it. WHY? Oh.. That's easy, they're miserable people with no lives. They both make up lies & stories & they want people to feel bad for them all the time..

Well, let me let you in on a little secret: I kinda do feel bad for you.. It's a little sad that grown women insist on behaving like 15 year olds because they have no lives. That they're so unhappy with themselves & their lives they feel the need to drag everyone else down. Good luck with that :)~

I'm just counting the days until I don't have to deal with it anymore. I'm on to bigger & better things :)