Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ok, so I've been pretty scarce lately.. Let's just say there's a lot of crap going on..

There was a nasty break-up with the bf I spent 2 1/2 years with. Then I moved on, probably much faster than I should have, to a guy I'd been friends with for a while. I never saw that coming. I fell in love with him.. He was just about perfect... Then, we got pregnant & talk about a change I never saw coming. He wasn't my prince charming anymore..

To say the least there's been a lot of fighting. I moved in, moved out, moved in, moved out. I've been living w/ a friend for a little over a week now. We're trying to work out all of our issues before this kid gets here.

Some days, I feel like this pregnancy ruined him & I. Maybe, we just weren't that great to begin with. It could just be all the stress from a pregnancy that really wasn't supposed to happen. He's a really great guy & I'm sure he'll be a great dad. I just don't know so much about him & I. We're trying & I guess that's all you can do..

That being said, we're 12 weeks

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